
i need help finding a corset i'd planned to make my own but...welll its just too difficult but im as broke as my printer (which unfortunatly means im very broke) i was told getting a corset made would cost about $200 is that true ...if you know anywhere in vancouver that makes them or has cool ones let me know also anywhere with cheap lacey undies ;D
hoo boy. I think you're going to have to do a image search on that one. Sounds cool though! If I think of anything remotely helpful I'll post it here.
valerian i think you could probably help me with this one :
okay i bought a stunning second hand vintage medical corset yesterday for only $35 *eeps* im so happy , but it is very very compicated piece of work and i am thinking its missing some bits (ie buckles) and i was wondering if you knew of any diagrams for medical corsets , i realize they are many different models but i'll try to post pics when i take some but yes if you know of anything that will help me i'd be very grateful thanks
Just sign up, it's free. I don't think you need a credit card or anything, either.
Er... not *that* small. Heh. This corset would best fit someone with these natural (un-cinched) measurements: "A" or "B" cup, bust 30" - 33", waist 22" - 26", hips 32" - 35".
I listed another corset for sale on eBay today. I bought it despite the fact that I knew it was possibly going to be a bit small, with plans to alter it if it actually was. Well, it is a bit small, and I've looked at it and I think it's going to be a real pain in the arse to fiddle around with, so I've listed it for sale instead to get my money back. It's a gorgeous corset, and I hate to part with it, but I really don't think I have the energy right now to do much more sewing. I started the listing at about $60 Canadian, although the actual retail price of the corset is more like $139 US. Catch a bargain if you can!
By the way, I recently ordered a corset kit from Grannd, and it was quite fun to learn how corsets are made. I've had some problems though, but nothing my shoddy sewing skills couldn't avoid. Heh. There's also a place in Victoria that does custom work for very reasonable prices (and they're Canadian, so no costly shipping, duty or $$ exchange!). Try Dee's Dresses - their links are in the "Where To Find It" thread.
I have an all-black corset for sale *cheap* on eBay, if anyone is interested. I bought it in New York, and have only ever worn it a few times. Why sell it? I need to fund my more expensive tastes! Plus I want something that cinches me tighter. Muahahahhaaa!
You don't really need a kit, but it sure saves you a lot of shopping around. I mean, it's got all the pieces, tools and patterns that you need to do it - except for the sewing machine, thread and fancy-ass fabric (they supply you with plain cotton twill). Some of those kits come with patterns for drawers/bloomers and chemises as well! Talk about a bargain! I have yet to try the kit, but I plan to later this year. I really want to make a plain black cotton corset as a regular undergarment.
Depends what kind of custom corset you want. For leather, you might try Mike's Custom Leather, or for satin, velvet, lace, brocade (etc.) you could try the House Gallery. There's Venus and Mars on Cambie St., although I'm not sure if they make corsets - their gowns are gorgeous though! For PVC, Nancy Black might have something, or better yet, Judy Basha Designs. I *know* that she does some. New World on Cordova St. might have something in PVC or velvet in ready-to-wear, although it's possible you could request something made custom (don't quote me on that though). There's always the two sex shops on Davie St. (Ultra-Love and Love's Touch) for ready-to-wear PVC, but these may not have sturdy metal boning or be the highest quality material. Expect to pay at least $200 CAD for a good quality corset, custom-made or not, wherever you go.
Lady Maleficent made an absolutely beautiful one for me, and did an *amazing* job! I'm not sure if she is currently taking orders for new clients though, but you could ask. If you're hell-bent on making one though, take a look here, as they sell complete kits for under $100 (they include basic black fabric, metal boning, pattern, eyelets and tools, busk, and waaaay more). I may be going that route myself in the near future.
Anyone else have any suggestions (or corrections). My info may be a bit stale.