Now Planning a Music Scene Report

Planning stage for writing an underground music scene report for Greater Vancouver.
I will be putting this together strictly as a freelance writer, not representing the magazine as a staff writer. However I have been approached by a reputable music e-zine editor for this. If the editors like the end product, Vancouver's scene will get good press. The e-zine is appreciated by the likes of Trent Reznor, just to give you an idea.
Starting in April, I will be conducting interviews with reputable and knowledgable people in the scene, traveling about the city to clubs and shops and bringing a photographer with me. If you would like to be interviewed, please let me know (via pm on this board, not my email )what your place is in the scene, what you do and/or shop or club you work in/manage/own, etc. and what you would like to contribute to the project. I will sort through and decide who to contact, message you in resonse, and post here when I have found enough people. Also, I will follow up with all of you here when it is submitted and a link will be provided in this thread if it does indeed get published. In responding to this, you acknowledge that if you are chosen for this work there is no guarantee that when it comes to final edit you wil be part of the finished article and there is no guarantee it will be published.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Let's put our city on the big Underground map, shall we?!!!