I do recall some controversy over something Salman Rushdie wrote, but I didn't know what it was. Remember that short lived adult cartoon, Duckman starring Jason Alexander? There was an episode of that where they spoofed the Salman Rushdie incident. Now I know what the work was, thanks Atratus!
The DaVinci Code and its affect on Christianity

Most of you have seen this film or read the book, or you will sometime in the not so distant future.
What started out as a fiction novel based loosely on the theories held by some scholars has become a phenomena that has swept the globe. The pope has spoken up about this controversial film, Catholic churches are asking their congregations not to see or support the film and the world is a buzz with the notion that Jesus may have had a wife, a child, and that his bloodline still exists.
It is easy to see why people would be drawn into the plot, full of mystery and intrigue. Killer monks, guns, puzzles, a great conspiracy spanning centuries... there is even a car chase scene with a SmartCar. What's not to love?
But for many Christians, this book and film are two of the most blatant and powerful attacks on their faith in recent years. People are taking this work of fiction as truth. They are clinging to The DaVinci Code as if it were a holy text and it has the Christian community up in arms.
The question in all this is... where do you stand? Have you put much thought into it? Do you find yourself believing, or leaning towards believing, some of the thoughts presented by Dan Brown?
I'd like to open discussion about the book and movie and maybe dispell some myths, get some insight and get a feel for what people are thinking about all this.
Hmmmmm...............I see your point Trixy, but I don't think it's an adequate example. Dan Brown never once in the book says that Jesus was a bad person. He simply says that he is not who people say he is. He says he was married and had offspring. He doesn't say his life was meaningless. He doesn't say he never existed. If anyone is being insulted, it's the church itself since he says they knew about the Mary Magdaline story and covered it up. It's an interesting theory, but I don't buy the idea that the holy grail is just a metaphor for Mary Magdaline.
There was a movie a few years back called "The Order" starring Heath Ledger, a work of complete fiction. I didn't see the film, but people who did see it told me it was about a young priest who stumbles upon a secret group of high ranking cardinals in the Vatican delving into the black arts and the occult. I don't recall the church getting upset about this, if they did, please correct me. This leads me to believe that there was no truth to it. However, with the DaVinci Code, they got upset over another work of fiction. I guess my question is why get upset over one and not the other when both are slamming your faith and both are works of fiction?
While the Priory doesn't exist, Opus Dei does, but they are not like what was shown in the book/film. They are just an ultra-conservative sect of Catholicism and while they do use those metal things on their legs, they don't pierce the skin, they just pinch.
As for why Christians (Catholic and Protestant alike) got upset over this movie... say someone came up to you with a picture of your mom, ripped it up, spit on it and called your mom a dirty, filthy whore whose life was a sham and a lie and she was an awful mother. Would you say "Hey, man, that's not true. Please stop saying that."? OR! would you yell at the bastard and tell him to piss off and possibly punch him? It's not that you're upset because you know it's true and want desperately to hide it, but to hear someone bash someone you love and are devoted to is hurtful and infuriating and you want to protect their good name.
Watching NOW TV months ago, they had a panel discussion about the book and this preist was getting red in the face he was so angry. "Priory of Sion doesn't exist, Opus Dei doesn't exist, this book is a lie." First thing I thought was why is this guy getting so bent out of shape about a work of fiction? The church asked people to boycott the film like it was forbidden. This begs the question, is there truth to it that the church doesn't want people to know about? Why else would they not want people to see or read a work of fiction? Of course, you could say the same thing about Harry Potter. Conservative churches in the States holding book burnings for Harry Potter books made me sick to my stomach, I don't know if they did the same with DaVinci Code, but I hope not. Thing is, with this big deal they're making out of The Code is just going to make people want to see it more since people love controversy. The book itself was exciting, I personally could not put it down. It was classic mystery novel. The film followed the book fairly closely with a few differences. I enjoyed the movie as well, but as with most adapted films, the book was better.
I think Puck put it best when she said that if a person's faith is strong enough, it will endure. It reminds me of this video game a few years back called "Black & White". You play the role of a god and there's a village. You, as a god, have a life force and it depends on how many people believe in you. You perform miracles, people incurr your wrath at times as well. It's the classic "perception is reality" quote from the campfire scene in Blair Witch 2, "if people believe something enough, isn't it real? Perception is reality."
Made a political statement and got the book the oher day.
Not the best book I've read this week. But pretty ok. He's got some weird (as in "stuff I've never heard of before") views on 'pagan' and 'ancient' religions, though.
I prefer Preacher's version of the Holy Grail. Now that is a story I wish people would believe! *lol*
I found this page summing up the Mormon position on whether or not Jesus was married. Objectively, the Mormon position on this makes more sense than the Catholic position.
As for people taking the Da Vinci code as truth, it wouldn't be the first time. Take "Dyanetics" for example.
The book is fiction, garnished with small facts that the author has twisted to suit his purpouse. I'm not that big a fan of the book, and I think that the book is in some ways an attack on the institution of the Church but not the faith. I suppose people feel betrayed by an institution they were bought up to trust, which results in them clinging to the fiction as if it were proof of betrayal.
If people truly have faith, a work of fiction shouldn't do much to sway them because as far as I;ve managed to figour out, Christianity is supposed to be about building ones relationship with God, so what does it matter if Jesus was married or not? The Church is an institution of mortal men who make mistakes like the rest of us.
On another note, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Mormons beleave that Jesus was married and had children? Because the first ever comandment from God was to go forth and reproduce and Jesus was perfect there for... Again I could have misheard.