
My friend, Fish, is moving out here tomorrow and is going to be crashing with me and my fiance until he has a job and enough money to get into his own place. I have been friends with Fish for 7 or 8 years and love him to death; he is like my older brother. However, he has, and has always had, an anger problem and I am not sure how to broach the subject of him trying to keep his cool while living here. He tends to punch holes in walls, break things simply out of anger, shout, storm off at all hours of the night, play with his rather large collection of knives, etc.
I am not afraid of him ever physically injuring me, but I'm going out on a limb to let him crash here temporarily and I don't want to regret it. Any suggestions on how to explain there are limitations and rules in this house that have to be abided by?
So apparently anger hasn't been our main problem since his arrival two and a half days ago. Laziness is what I am having to deal with, now. He hasn't done a damn thing since arriving. He plays video games all the time (if he isn't sleeping) and hasn't done anything to look for work. I just spent a few hours cleaning the house and he didn't even offer to help. Grr! It makes me so angry when people are selfish and lazy. I don't know what to do...