
Sin City @Richards on Richards

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The 5th anniversary of Sin City was completely ruined thanks to some faulty air conditioner.  We ended up standing under a small vent upstairs as it was way too hot anywhere else. Everyone was complaining and sweating like pigs as we all tried to sqeeze in under the same vent. Forget trying to dance!  A night I'd like to forget.  :(  And to think we actually paid  to get in!!!! What a disappointment!!!!

Incidentally, I was there.

Sometimes these things just happen.  Just like when your car gets a flat tire, or the spike heel breaks off your shoe, or the restaurant runs out of the Speciale Du Jour.  Nobody is perfect.  The air conditioning units had broken only the night before.  It is possible that they were simply unable to get a technician on such short notice.  BTW, there were units that were operating, just not all of them, so temperature control wasn't 100% (did I mention it was also the hottest day of the year so far?  Talk about adding insult to injury!).  Can't say I blame the venue for not cancelling though, because who knew a few blown-out units would have made such a difference?  For one, I don't think the bar expected the massive crowd, having never hosted one of these types of events before.  Quite often first-nights don't sell out, and Dick's being a regularly top 40 type venue, I really don't think they knew quite what to expect.  But live and learn, now they know better!  Incidentally, Atratus & I survived it for at least 4 1/2 hours, some people left after only 30 minutes.  And no, we weren't practically naked.   :P 

I wouldn't say the night was "ruined" nor was it the "worst in my life" - it was very uncomfortable, yes, but not lethal.  I should point out that at any time anyone was bothered by the heat, you could have demanded your money back and left.  Why some people chose to stay, put up with it, and then bitch about it for weeks afterwards is beyond me. You should NEVER "feel bad" or be afraid to ask for your money back, whether it's a movie, a club, or a department store.  If you're not happy, for goodness sakes, do it!

Everything was tickety-boo this past weekend, nice & cool even though the crowd was still pretty hefty.  Not a complete sell-out, but close.  The staff was also much more pleasant, I think they are beginning to understand that although this crowd can sometimes look pretty tough and severe, we're actually all pretty friendly, polite, respectable folks. 

But don't allow one uncomfortable night to taint your overall impression of SinCity - that was one night out of a hundred where something went wrong.  True, it couldn't have picked a worse night to go wrong, but you can bet your butt the club will work double-time to prevent it ever happening again!!

(btw shantideva - thank you for the compliment!! *blush*)

actually i do understand.

I can't speak for Valerian, but for myself, I am just trying to send out a good vibe about the whole matter.

If something is broken it is unfortunate but it is broken, all the magic fix-it faires were busy that night I guess.

Placing blame isn't going to help.

I'm sure the organizers and venue guys knew it was hot.

What were they supposed to do cancel the thing last minute and disappoint alot of people?

People who had dressed up, driven, and were just looking forward to the evening.

While I'm sure alot of people were uncomfortable, there were others who still managed to have a good time.

I don't wish to banter back and forth or be rude..we are all entitled to our opinions.

Hope your next experience is better


I appreciate all of your comments but some of you don't fully understand. Yes, it's very warm at Sin City...I've been there many times....but this was at Richards on Richards...bigger venue....biiger crowd......bigger air conditioner-you would think. But, the air conditoner was broken! It was horrible!!!!! The worst I've ever experienced in my life! And believe me, I wasn't the only one complaining. I even thought about leaving and asking for my money back.  It completely ruined the 5th anniversary for Sin City. Very unfortunate.

very true...

go to a packed club in the summer and the obvious happens...IT"S HOT.

I'll put up with it a trooper, take one for the cause...

Think of it, in the winter we will all be happy for those hot bodies that help raise the temp a few degrees. make lovely things.

It's always hot at SinCity though.  I think it's all the non-breathable textiles and in general a multitude of already sweaty bodies.  Stick twice as many together and ta-da!  Heat wave.  It's been that bad before, at 23 West, at least a few times in the past 5 years.  Sometimes even when the fans and air conditioning are on, it makes little difference if the general temperature has been maintaining the high 20's/low 30's for several days.  Heck, I've been in some pretty crowded bars in the summer before and it's never that hot - but for some reason, the room temperature at SinCity is always higher.  I kid you not, it's taken years to finally establish that as a fact in my mind.  Although why that is, I have no idea.

Sorry you guys had a bust of a time.

Unfortunate that it was the hottest weekend in years.  I'm not sure it was the fault of the venue or organizers though. It is hard to predict  a heat wave...5 yrs in advance.

Lesson: drink more water...wear less heavy clothes...and yeah air conditioning to the best of ones ability. The rest is a roll of the dice.

Maybe mother nature (global warming) will be kinder to us all next time.

I'd have to agree that the night was far from a success in my oppinion. How ever, being a total Burlesqu/pinup nut, the performances made it worth my money(Little Miss Risk...WOW!).