What Do You Do to Unwind?

Work, for the past several months has been taking far too much out of me. I'm stuck in the rat-race and I can't find the damned cheese. If I get any more irritable I will start eating random small dogs on the street. I need to get a handle on this.
So the question to you all is what do you do to shake off work when you get home? What do you make time for? Where do you find your energy?
Since "work" right now means university for me, I do not really have to wind down that much. Whenever I actually have to work (like over summer-vacation), it takes a bit more. Last summer, I just drove over to my girlfriend and then she had to cope with me being stressed out ;-) Since she no longer is my girlfriend, I won't have this option this time... oh bugger!
But anyway, I have half an hour's bike-ride from my work, so I am somewhat relaxed when I arrive. Then I usually cook, or just have half a liter of something cool (non-alcoholic).
Sometimes I think that if there's really a heaven, it's located inside a huge, deep, claw-foot bathtub.
One of my favourite ways to unwind is to put on the most relaxing (and yet one of the most powerful, for me) CDs I own: Happy Songs for Happy People - Mogwai, light candles, sit quietly and just listen. After a little bit, I stop just being someone listening to music, and I become part of the music... or maybe it becomes part of me... and I can completely lose myself for almost an hour. It's one of the most relaxing things I can think of, and it is just so refreshing.
Of course, there's always the universal stress reliever: Sex. ^__^ (Sorry, couldn't help myself)
I waste hours on LiveJournal.
agwa.. sounds rad...
when i get home from work i do what i probably shouldn't - hunker down in front of my pooter and talk to all my magical online friends. it's less creepy that it sounds: i actually know most of them in real life and have for over 10 years now. when i'm all done with that (4 hours later, heh) i'll do some sewing/design (and shaddap - i ain't girly). or i'll read, but since i work in books it's not pure pleasure anymore.
but yeah, sewing's the big unwindy for me - nice to lose oneself in a task for a few hours and create something useful as a result (bonus!).
or sometimes i just go to the railway and drink. har. radioactive's become a regular thing for me too (sick at home tonight, canna go, alas). they played Living Colour a coupla weeks ago.. it was the best parts of high school all over again....
i hear you on the corporate-grind thing. luckily i get to be somewhat creative in my job these days so it's not as soul-crushing as it was a year or so ago.
It is for sale in Alberta and Ontario, but the BC Liquor stores don't carry it. They had it in as a "one time order" a while back and we (Valerian and I) bought a shit load of it. We're down to our last bottle and I'm considering buying a case as a special order - I haven't found out how expensive that is going to be yet though.
I am a computer and video game junkie!! When I come home from work I plunk myself down as my computer and either play a First person Shooter game...or one of my favourite RPG games, Neverwinter Nights. Aside from that, recently having just gotten back into play Magic the Gathering, my boyfriend and I go out to a coffee shop (which has a smoking room) and drink coffee and play some Magic. And then there is the always popular sitting back and watching a movie. For me, these things take me away from the stress and annoyances of the 'real' world. I can remove myself from reality and pretend to be an awesome kick-ass Red Dragon Disciple :)
One word: