Oh yes, i forgot, You Put it down too 2 category's *Doom and Gothic* Well, yes, alot of goth metalheads listen to doom and gothic, But keep in mind, That there is a huge variety of subgenres, I prefer Neo-thrash, Folkloric Metal, Avantgard, Horrorcore, and so on,and so on
Gothic Metalheads?

Other than the fact there's the entire sub-genre of Gothic Metal, which seems to be the trendy thing in the European metalscene (previously it was Power Metal, and before that Black Metal) and a label that's given too frequently to many bands that aren't.
Certainly back in the 80's the two subcultures didn't seem to have much in common. But metal has gone a long way past the mullets and spandex days (in fact most metalheads these days wear almost all black). Gothic metal is a sub-genre of metal that somehow appeared around the early 90's, some saying it came from the big three Doom-death bands Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride and Anathema. Even though the most infamous gothic metal band, Type O Negative was originally a thrash metal band. Either way the gothic metal and doom metal (which it often gets grouped with) is a typically gloomy and melodramatic subgenre, and in many ways cliched.
What would be the ideal gothic metalhead though?