How do I upload images?

All registered users can upload personal galleries and images in personal galleries can be nominated by the uploader for promotion to the public gallery. Promotion requests are moderated and may be approved or rejected at a moderator's discretion.

( click thumbnails to enlarge )
1.In the navigation menu, click on "All Content", then click "Add Content" and select "Album"
2.On the album form you may either drag-and-drop your images on the "Drag files here" text or use the "+ Add" button to open a file dialogue to select the files. You can add files from multiple sources on your computer by repeating the procedure.
3.Once the files have been added you will see a list of file names and must click the " Upload" button to start the upload.
4.As files are uploading you will see a small progress bar and thumnails will appear in the upper part of the upload control. Any error will be shown where the file list is. Please wait until the uploading is complete. Once uploading is complete you may carry on or go back to step 2 to add more images.
5.You may then fill out information that applies to the entire album in the "Album Details" section. Only the title is manditory. The "Event" and "Venue" fields will prompt you with suggestions of events and venues that already exist in the database, but you are not limited to these. Note that events and venues that you enter will be visible to everyone else and if you are a dick and enter stupid shit in these fields you run a very high risk of being banned. 
If you want to promote the entire album to the public gallery, check the "Promote..." checkbox at the bottom of the section.
6.The album-wide details you entered can be overridden for individual images once the album is saved. Use the "edit" link in the image caption. You can bulk-reset all image details to the values in the album-wide values in the "Album Details" section. Once the album has been saved initally you will see additional checkboxes at the bottom of the "Album Details" section for this when editing the album.
7.Individual images can be included/excluded from promotion with the checkbox on the album image details form. You will also see information here about the status of pictures nominated for promotion.

Additional images can be added and removed from your personal albums at any time. Just hit the "Edit" button at the top of the form.

Note that removing an image from a personal album that has already been approved and promoted to the public photo gallery or deleting a whole album with images that have already been promoted to the public gallery will not remove the public photos. You can, however, delete photos from the public gallery that belong to you on a one-by-one basis and deleting an image that has not yet been approved for promotion will take it out of the moderation queue.

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