Atratus's picture

Buy Photos On-line

You can order photos that have been tagged as being of you or your friends (sorry, not just anybody can buy any photo.) And, of course, I don't have printable source files for the photos that are uploaded to the site from other photographers, so those are not available for purchase. If a photo is available for you to purchase you will see a "buy photo" link in the caption area.

Atratus's picture

Private Forums

I've added new restricted-access forum areas to the forum. These include areas in the "Clubbing & Events" and "Relationships & Sexuality" forums that are only accessible by members with who have confirmed adult memberships, as well as an open-topic area just for registered members and another open topic area just for paid members and early adopters.

Atratus's picture

All Your News in One Place! (and looking for suggestions)

Why let something like non-existance get in the way?

Despite the fact that Facebook does not have RSS feeds for Wall posts, I've hacked my very own Facebook wall to RSS gateway and added RSS feeds from the Descent Sundays Facebook fan-page wall and the Rock and Roll High-School and Sin City group walls to the Gothic BC news aggregator so you can get all your news in one place - and I am looking for more things to add. So if you have any suggestions of publicly available Facebook groups and fan-pages, or other feeds to add, let me know!

Atratus's picture

Too Funny not to Share

Atratus's picture

DJ Casperella is OK

DJ Casperella has is home, safe and sound.


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